Seasons Greetings!
This holiday season brings no greater joy than the opportunity to express to all our customers and friends, the Seasons Greetings and our Best Wishes. A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year full of Joy and Prosperity are the sincere wishes of team!
Copper Cataplanas Certified
One of our primordial conditions, is the health and well-being of all our clients. Synonymous of quality and prestige, all our copper copper cataplanas are official certified by specialized laboratories, being in this way inside the legal standards of the hygiene and food safety international regulation, can be used with all Guarantee.
Worldwide Shipping
We export our products worldwide, through specialized transport companies with highly competitive prices and excellent service. We also send our articles through any other transport company that be of the preference of the client, upon previous request. You may request us quotation to any part of the world, that we`ll answer as soon as possible.